My 3 Favorite Websites I Use to Learn How to Write Screenplays
Screenwriting, TV Scripts, Spec Scripts Frank Tarczynski Screenwriting, TV Scripts, Spec Scripts Frank Tarczynski

My 3 Favorite Websites I Use to Learn How to Write Screenplays

I love learning how to write screenplays. Spec scripts and originals. Television or features. Writing a screenplay is fun and challenging.

And since I love learning how to improve my writing, I have a handful of website I use over and over again. They have become part of my daily habit, and I recommend them to anyone and everyone who has an interest in writing screenplays.

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Three Simple Tools
Screenwriting Frank Tarczynski Screenwriting Frank Tarczynski

Three Simple Tools

I’m a pantser. There, I said it and I stand by it.

Some writers can jump right to pages and just follow their muse. The story comes out magically as if from Zeus’ mouth and voila…a story.

Unfortunately, my muse is a bit of a lost soul, so I have to work especially hard to get it focused and inspired.

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First and Last Frames
Screenwriting Frank Tarczynski Screenwriting Frank Tarczynski

First and Last Frames

I found a cool video showing a side-by-side comparison of the first and last frame from a bunch of movies. And it got me thinking: What does the relationship between the first and last frame (or scene) say about a story or essay?

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