Who are you working for?

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

You will never have enough time. Get used to it, acknowledge it, embrace it. Time is something we have both in abundance and in scarcity. To be human is to be at the mercy of time’s authority.

With time out of our control, it begs the question: Who are you working for? Assuming you’re not well-off, you’re stuck working a regular job like me to pay the bills, put food on the table, yadda, yadda, yadda. And the most frustrating part of the job isn’t necessarily the job itself (yes, every job has parts that suck) but the part of having a job that pisses me off is knowing that in truth it’s just wasting time. Time that I could spend on working on projects the give me energy, not drain it.

We all have dreams, right? Everyone’s gotta have some far-flung fantasy that keeps popping up in their head when the going gets tough. Me? I want to be a novelist and screenwriter who can provide for his family by spinning a yarn or two or three or four… But that takes time, and as I’ve already brilliantly explained, time is completely out of my control (and so are book and script sales).

What I have to face, and maybe you as well, is that I need to work for time and not a boss or a colleague or even family. I’m working for the time I have available to me to pursue what I want. Once it’s gone, that’s it. Finis. And so are the passions and dreams I’ve set aside waiting for the right time, the right reason, the right person.

So I give you permission to work for your dreams. Work for your passions.

Frank Tarczynski

Documenting my journey from full-time educator to full-time screenwriter.


Are you running away or towards your writing goals?