Frank Tarczynski

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New Year, New Beginnings

Photo by Danielle MacInneson Unsplash

Beginning the new year with finishing my application for the Circle of Confusion Fellowship, which is due on January 5th. Today I wrapped up my long term goals and explained how the fellowship can help me achieve my goals. Going to take tomorrow off before reviewing all the materials again on Monday for submission. I like to backwards plan from when a project or submission is due and then create a checklist of manageable tasks that need to be completed for the project. Once I have my task list then I schedule everything - always giving myself a day or two to review all materials.

I spent the rest of the day reading the book “The 48 Laws of Power” by Robert Greene - a fantastic book about how the dynamics of power play out in relationships, politics, business, etc - and taking the kids to get ice cream at Nori’s before heading out to a park to play and get some fresh air.

I also spent a bit of time reading Scott Frank’s pilot for GODLESS. Oh man, what a fantastic read. I’m taking my time with it, though, and really breaking down the script to see how Frank built it and to glean any techniques I could incorporate into my scripts. In time I’ll write an article on this website with my script breakdown - it’s a habit I want to get into more this year: writing about the scripts I read. Personally I don't think just reading script does much good in the way of improving craft. If you want something to stick, you’ve got to write about it.

I’m not sure what 2021 will bring. Last year I told my wife that 2020 would be a great year for us —- then a global pandemic struck. I ain’t about playing Nostradamus this year. I’m just going to stick to my plan and let the fates do what they may with the rest. I guess that’s the first lesson in writing: all you can control is what/when/how you write…everything else is out of your hands. Well 2021, take the wheel and let’s get this year moving.

Today’s Accomplishments

  • Completed Circle of Confusion Fellowship application.

Tomorrow’s Tasks

  • Begin my new pilot by sketching out the Protagonist and exploring the central emotions that will drive the story.

  • Rewrite the teaser to The Noise Within - a pilot I completed last year and placed Quarterfinalist in Big Break this year.

  • Write 3 pages of my novella based on The Noise Within in my composition book.

  • Spend 30 minutes researching managers who I could query DADLY.

  • Write a blog post reflecting on my writing and creative life, list day’s accomplishments, and state the tasks for the next day.