Find your tribe

Yesterday I hopped on a Zoom meet-up with fellow screenwriters across the globe. It was great to not only talk to other screenwriters but to listen to their current situations and stories. We didn’t share drafts of a work in progress. We didn’t give each other feedback on what could be done better. We didn’t prod into stories to find cracks in logic. We just talked…like human beings rarely do.

I needed that talk. I needed to connect with like-minded people who are facing the same hurdles I am. I needed to connect with a tribe of writers to just be a human whose passion is writing and needs an outlet to escape to. Writers know the emotional toll writing can take, so talking to a writer as a person helps to walk a person off the edge.

Whatever the creative pursuit, we need a tribe of like-minded people to just let us vent and be who we are in our creative skin. Does it make the work better? Don’t know. But it makes the heart better. And that’s all that really matters when in comes to art and creation.

Frank Tarczynski

Documenting my journey from full-time educator to full-time screenwriter.



What kind of writer are you: productive or efficient?