The Impulse to Explain Who We Are
Inspiration Frank Tarczynski Inspiration Frank Tarczynski

The Impulse to Explain Who We Are

I came across the following quote by Maya Angelou. It got me thinking and reflecting on why I seemingly torture myself by writing, knowing that the chances of making any money or having any kind of career with my work is slim to none.

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Boarding the Train
Frank Tarczynski Frank Tarczynski

Boarding the Train

Writing is like boarding a train: the only thing a passenger can do is step on the train and enjoy the ride.

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Remixing Permission
Frank Tarczynski Frank Tarczynski

Remixing Permission

In my (virtual) class a student decided to write an essay based on a writing prompt I shared with the class. The only problem is that I didn’t assign the essay yet. I just showed it to them and we talked about it for maybe 10 minutes? This student didn’t ask for clarification, didn’t ask for a due date, didn’t ask how long the essay should be (a rarity in a high school English class), and, get this, the student didn’t even ask if the essay was going to be graded. Hell, she didn’t even complain about writing an essay the second week of school.

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