Frank Tarczynski

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Inspirational Quote

Sometimes it’s just a short song lyric or quote to be the guiding light of your story. Here’s mine.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

KNUCKLEHEAD is about the indie music scene and the kids who make it. That means there’s a lot of teenage angst and lyrical wordplay scattered throughout.

Below is a screenshot from my series bible of a quote from the song “Trusty Chords” by Hot Water Music. This lyric - and the energy of the song - is what’s driving these characters and this story. Kids who love what they do, hate where they are, and believe their fate is nothing but a blank sheet of paper.

Because the song just kicks so much ass, I’m also linking it in this post. Sure, the lyrics also talk about struggling relationships and getting drunk —- which are also elements of the indie scene —- but’s the few lines lines listed above that keep playing in my head over and over again while I work on this script.
