Frank Tarczynski

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Inch by Inch

Photo by Frank Tarczynski

The last week of the year crawls it’s way to a slow death. From Dec 27 to Dec 30 everything feels meaningless - especially in a year when society went on hold.

The best thing I can do during times like these is just put one word after another. That’s all I can control. That’s all I can muster.

That’s why routine is the most important tool a creative has in their arsenal. Whenever the days (or nights) are long, or the energy is lacking, leaning into a routine will help with momentum. And being creative is about momentum. A little bit goes a long way.

Today’s Accomplishments

  • Revised a short story for my Circle of Confusion fellowship application.

  • Revised/rewrote a few scenes of DADLY.

  • Researched Social Media Marketing and Self-Publishing courses. The Social Media Marketing course is part of my Q2 strategy. The Self-Publishing course will be something I tackle February.

  • Researched supplemental materials for Circle of Confusion fellowship application.

Tomorrow’s Tasks

  • Finish DADLY. I only have 3 more scenes to revises/rewrite/tighten. Then I just have to do another pass to make sure formatting is consistent and there’s no glaring plot holes or anything else I may have missed.

  • Create a folder on my Google Drive for fellowships and upload materials for the Circle of Confusion fellowship.

  • Create a spreadsheet where I can record time-on-task for when Jan 1 rolls around and my operating plan for 2021 kicks into gear.