The Struggle Continues

Photo by DJ Johnsonon Unsplash

Photo by DJ Johnsonon Unsplash

A rainy day in Los Angeles is nothing like a rainy day anywhere else. The gloom of rain clouds that cover the basin stops everything (at least everything that Covid didn’t stop).

Well…not everything. As the rain washes away the soot from the sky; I write. The rain can’t wash away the words on the page.

I have a few scenes to revise for my pilot, DADLY, and then I’m sending it out to the world - writer’s group, managers, contests, fellowships, etc. It’s a script that’s been with me for a few years and explores some personal struggles I’ve had since my kids were born.

Do I think it’s my best writing? Nope. But it’s time I let it go. Sure, if I get some good notes then I’ll tweak it. Otherwise it’s time for us to go our separate ways. It’s served me well and taught me a lot about writing and my writing process. And sure, I hope it gets me in the door - especially with some fellowships - but I’m not going to actively sell it…just use it was sample for staffing.

Letting go of a project and saying goodbye to a story is probably the most difficult step any writer has to face when the time comes. The struggle of separation is painful but necessary to any creative and their creations. We can always revisit previous works and make adjustments, edits, and corrections. But as far as dedicating time…all good things must come to an end.

Today’s Accomplishments

  • Finalized my 2021 Writing Plan.

  • Did some lite research on using Instagram to market myself as a writer (Instagram is part of my Q2 strategy).

  • Revised a few scenes in Act 4 of my pilot, DADLY.

Tomorrow’s Tasks

  • Finish revising DADLY.

  • Begin revisions on a short story for the Circle of Confusion fellowship (deadline Jan 5).

  • Review fellowship application for supplemental materials and make a list of what’s needed.

Frank Tarczynski

Documenting my journey from full-time educator to full-time screenwriter.

Inch by Inch


Anniversary of My Birth