It will get better

Photo by Hoang Le on Unsplash

Photo by Hoang Le on Unsplash

Constant online meetings.

Moving deadlines.

Helping your kids with online schooling.

Covid-19, masks, anti-masks.

Social justice, police brutality, riots, looting, civil unrest.

Presidential elections, mail-in, no mail-in.

The list can go on and on and on and on…

It’s okay to get tired and burnt out from everything. Our fuel is our feelings, and that fuel burns out during stressful times. Don’t try to ignite the flames when the gaskets will blow and the engine will never work again.

Take this time to read the book that’s been sitting on your nightstand, or read that stack of scripts you’ve been meaning to peruse. Or, maybe just write down how tired you are and what you’ll do when life returns to whatever our new normal will be.

We always have a choice. We have a choice to lay down when we’re tired. We have a choice to refill the tank so that the car is ready for the next journey.

It will get better.

Frank Tarczynski

Documenting my journey from full-time educator to full-time screenwriter.


